During 2017, we endorsed the protocol, adhering for another 5 years, within the framework of the annual banking congress held by Asobancaria. We participate in the development of the four strategic focus of the green protocol supporting the creation of the expanded green protocol, which seeks to link to the financial sector associations such as Fasecolda, Asofiduciaria, Colcapital, Asofondos and Asomicrofinanzas to adhere to the protocol to promote within their guilds the management of the 4 strategic focuses.
We support the implementation of phase 3 of the Financial Innovation Pilots project (supported by the MADS, DNP and UNDP among others), in the agricultural, energy and housing tables. Through the BanCO2 initiative, we promote the compensation of the carbon footprint recorded by the different member banks in Asobancaria, we participate in sustainable purchasing workshops, use of PCBs and comprehensive management of environmental risks given within the framework of the ARAS focus.
Main Achievements of Green Protocol
Awareness and training programs for the internal capacity construction in the Commercial Bank
Different courses, workshops and events that have allowed a great number of workers to be trained from the associated financial entities.
Green Protocol included in the commitments assumed by Colombia in the COP 21
Green protocol selected as crucial actor to achieve the emission reduction goals for Colombia in 2030.
BIBO award acknowledgement as “Best Environmental Practice”
In 2014 Asobancaria was the winner in the award category “Best Environmental Practice” in the guild category, in an event that was organized by El Espectador newspaper.
Asociacion Bancaria Verde of FELABAN acknowledgement
In 2017 Asobancaria was acknowledged as one of the leading associations in the green finance promotion in Latin America.
We lead from the sustainability committee of Asobancaria, the creation of a protocol of transparency in the Colombian financial sector, where the adhered banking entities make public their position and transparent practices in favor of the struggle against corruption.
This protocol is based on corporate values of the institutions of the sector and discloses the commitment that it has in front of government and control entities, and society in general against this scourge that has generated a great economic, social and environmental problem worldwide.